Change Log ========== 0.5.3a ------ - Allow pydoc for non-root users (issue 27) - Fix add_event_detect error when run as daemon (issue 32) - Simplified exception types - Changed from distribute to pip 0.5.2a ------ - Added software PWM (experimental) - Added switch bounce handling to event callbacks - Added channel number parameter to event callbacks (issue 31) - Internal refactoring and code tidy up 0.5.1a ------ - Fixed callbacks for multiple GPIOs (issue 28) 0.5.0a ------ - Added new edge detection events (interrupt handling) - Added add_event_detect() - Added remove_event_detect() - Added add_event_callback() - Added wait_for_edge() - Removed old experimental event functions - Removed set_rising_event() - Removed set_falling_event() - Removed set_high_event() - Removed set_low_event() - Changed event_detected() for new edge detection functionality - input() now returns 0/LOW == False or 1/HIGH == True (integers) instead of False or True (booleans). - Fix error on repeated import (issue 3) - Change SetupException to a RuntimeError so it can be caught on import (issue 25, Chris Hager ) - Improved docstrings of functions 0.4.2a ------ - Fix for installing on Arch Linux (Python 3.3) (issue 20) - Initial value when setting a channel as an output (issue 19) 0.4.1a ------ - Added VERSION - Permit input() of channels set as outputs (Eric Ptak ) 0.4.0a ------ - Added support for Revision 2 boards - Added RPI_REVISION - Added cleanup() function and removed automatic reset functionality on program exit - Added get_function() to read existing GPIO channel functionality (suggestion from Eric Ptak ) - Added set_rising_event() - Added set_falling_event() - Added set_high_event() - Added set_low_event() - Added event_detected() - Added test/ - Converted debian to armhf - Fixed C function short_wait() (thanks to Thibault Porteboeuf ) 0.3.1a ------ - Fixed critical bug with swapped high/low state on outputs - Added pull-up / pull-down setup functionality for inputs 0.3.0a ------ - Rewritten as a C extension - Now uses /dev/mem and SoC registers instead of /sys/class/gpio - Faster! - Make call to GPIO.setmode() mandatory - Added GPIO.HIGH and GPIO.LOW constants 0.2.0 ----- - Changed status from alpha to beta - Added setmode() to be able to use BCM GPIO 00.nn channel numbers - Renamed InvalidPinException to InvalidChannelException 0.1.0 ------ - Fixed direction bug - Added (to include missing file) - Changed GPIO channel number to pin number - Tested and working! 0.0.3a ------ - Added GPIO table - Refactored - Fixed a few critical bugs - Still completely untested! 0.0.2a ------ - Internal refactoring. Still completely untested! 0.0.1a ------ - First version. Completely untested until I can get hold of a Raspberry Pi!